Angles Vocabulary Flash Cards

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an angle that measures less than 90oAcute Angle
angles that share a common sideAdjacent Angles
interior angles of a transversal with the same measureAlternate Interior Angles
exterior angles of a transversal with the same measureAlternate Exterior Angles
formed when two rays have the same endpointAngle
the sum of adjacent angles equals 90oComplementary Angles
angles with the same measureCongruent Angles
Angles that are in the same position (matchers) on a transversalCorresponding Angles
an angle that measures greater than 90oObtuse Angle
angles that are across from each other - usually congruentOpposite Angles
a device that is used to measure an angleProtractor
an angle that measures 90oRight Angle
one of the rays that form an angleSide
an angle measuring 180oStraight Angle
the sum of adjacent angles equals 180oSupplementary Angles
The point where two rays meet to form an angleVertex
angles that are opposite each other when lines intersect. (congruent)Vertical Angles