Polygons Vocabulary Flash Cards

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a triangle with all angles less than 90oAcute Triangle
two shapes of exactly the same size and proportionsCongruent
line segment that connects two nonadjacent vertices of a polygonDiagonal
a triangle with all sides the same measureEquilateral Triangle
a six sided polygonHexagon
a triangle with 2 sides the same measureIsosceles Triangle
a triangle with one angle that is greater than 90oObtuse Triangle
an 8 sided polygonOctagon
a quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel sidesParallelogram
a five sided polygonPentagon
a closed plane figure made by three or more line segmentsPolygon
a four sided polygonQuadrilateral
a parallelogram with four 90o anglesRectangle
a polygon in which all sides and angles are congruentRegular Polygon
a parallelogram with 4 equal sidesRhombus
a triangle with one angle that is 90oRight Triangle
a triangle with no side having an equal measureScalene Triangle
a rectangle with 4 equal sidesSquare
a quadrilateral with only 1 pair of parallel sidesTrapezoid
common endpoints that form a "corners" of a polygonVertices