Integers Vocabulary Flash Cards

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the distance from 0 that an integer is on a number lineabsolute value
opposite numbers that have a sum of 0additive inverse
two number lines that form a perpendicular intersection and create a coordinate planeaxes
the singular form of axes; usually the x and y...axis
formed when two axes intersect; the point of intersection is 0 on each number linecoordinate plane
ordered pairs that give the x and y location of a point in on a planecoordinates
the set of whole numbers and their oppositesinteger
numbers that are less than 0negative numbers
numbers that are the same distance from 0.opposites
the point where the axes of a coordinate plane intersect (0,0)origin
numbers that are greater than 0positive numbers
one of the four sections or areas created in a coordinate plane.quadrants
the horizontal axis of a coordinate planex-axis
the first number in ordered pair; shows the x-axis value of a pointx-coordinate
the vertical axis of a coordinate planey-axis
the second number in an ordered pair; shows the y-axis value of a pointy-coordinate