Ratios Vocabulary Flash Cards

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the amount a container can hold when filled (metric measure)Capacity
matching angles of two or more polygonsCorresponding Angles
matching sides of two or more polygonsCorresponding Sides
measurement system used in the USACustomary Measurements
an amount (usually percent) by which the original price is reducedDiscount
ratios that name the same comparisonEquivalent Ratios
technique using similar figures and proportions to measure an object that is too largeIndirect Measurement
measurement of distance (both metric and customary)Length
measure of the amount of matter in an object (metric)Mass
a ratio comparing a number to 100Percent
an equation that requires two ratios to be equivalentProportion
a ratio that compares two quantities measured in different unitsRate
a comparison of two quantities by divisionRatio
government added percent of the cost of an itemSales Tax
the ratio between two sets of measurementsScale
a drawing that uses scale to change the size of an object proportionallyScale Drawing
figures with the same shape but not necessarily the same sizeSimilar
an amount of money added to a bill To Insure Prompt serviceTip
a rate (ratio) reduced to a numerator of 1Unit Rate
the number of cubic units needed to fill a given space (metric)Volume
customary measurement of the pull of gravity on an objectWeight